MD: Law would ban student sex offenders from Washington County Public Schools’ property

Source: 5/6/22

A proposed policy would ban students that are registered as sex offenders from taking classes on property owned by Washington County Public Schools

The student can still take classes, but at another location off of school property.

“I would just say that this is not one that you necessarily want to see come up on your policy committee agenda, but to me it seems that the main motivation here is that we are protecting our students by denying entry of student-registered sex offenders,” school board member Pieter Bickford said, at Tuesday night’s Washington County Board of Education meeting.

“Under Maryland law we still have the requirement to provide them an education, they just can’t do it on school property,” said Bickford, chairman of the policy committee.

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Maryland registrants and supporters, Show Up, Stand Up, and Speak Up or these laws will multiply like a cancer.

No matter what state registrants are in, we should monitor local proposed laws and take action on anti-registrant laws. Here is how to use a website that will let you search for your state’s proposed bills:

So the school district is concerned about the safety of their students..
Ok, so are students banned that have felony drug convictions, assault charges etc because those types of crimes have a much higher rate of re-offense and those types of crimes are a very big concern to the safety of the students of the school.

“Under Maryland law we still have the requirement to provide them an education”

So, if the state did not require them to be educated, he would not even do that?

Wow… have we really come this far?

I question the constitutionality of this. First there’s ex post facto for anyone who was convicted before the rule. Second, Brown v Board of Education recognized that “Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal” so whether or not the rule can be applied I believe hinges on whether this is the least restrictive means of achieving the objective of making students safer. It probably doesn’t make them safer but I’m sure the courts would say that it does. It certainly can’t be the least restrictive means though. I can think of many ways that a registrant could still be in the same school and the school achieve the safety objectives.

Congratulations, society, you have done this to yourself. You choose to call children “sex offenders” and list them on a registry.
How dare you???
It is inhumane and inhuman! 😖😡

Hmmmm … just to mention only ‘1’ statement (regarding everything I could say regarding this matter), I will mention this.
So they are soooo worried about the “safety” of the rest of the students ? (because of a ‘registered’ student)
I think they (school board) should be putting their focus and ambition worrying about protecting the students from the Faculty (teachers, coaches, etc). Because THOSE are the people I am constantly seeing in the News being investigated/ charged.

THOSE are the people the school board SHOULD BE focusing their energy-on (to protect the students).

Just ONLY (1) thought about this matter.

So at the end of their schooling for a given level, are the “students” allowed to receive their diplomas with the other kids, or will it just get mailed to them along with their annual notice from the local police.
Wouldn’t it be funny if the star athlete or the Valedictorian was convicted of an offense. Would the school forfeit the sports program or deny scholarships to that person?

As always, this guy’s email is easily found with a simple google search. I think burying him in emails voicing your thoughts is much deserved.